Blueleg Brownie

Psilocybe cyanescens

2nd October 2015, Oaken Wood, Maidstone
Growing in wet sawdust in a wood clearing. Abundant clusters. Cap up to 6cm. No smell. Has the very characteristic wavy cap folds of this mushroom. This is classed as uncommon but I see it quite a lot now. Said to be strongly hallucinogenic but that isn't my thing. Sporeprint Dark brown, perhaps purplish. Spores 9-10.5µ x 6-7.5µ.

27th October 2013, Blarney Castle, Ireland
On earth or wood/bark mulch. Cap 4-6cm. This is the only species I can find that has the interesting wavy look of the cap. It has mottled gills but none of the Mottlegills look anything like it. If I’d bruised the stem it should have turned blue, but I didn’t know that at the time. Strongly hallucinogenic, apparently. ID is almost sure.
